On Hiatus.
Left D. for A. But it all end-ed up, with A. leaving me over something/someone else.
My point is, I was being such a ttl fool &I have even made my own decisions without even thinking wisely.
I've just realise tt after braking up with A., the guy whom is really worth my heart was D.. It was a major big mistake for me to actually sort of "dump" D., just for a rotten ass guy. I know it is really too late for me to regret now for what I've done to D..
But I really wish tt I could be back with D. again.
Yahh, I know I'm like a slut. But no, I'm not a slut.
Even though D.&I have always been fighting over a certain issue&mostly evry issue tt we always fight about usually were my faults. D. would always give in. Unlike A.. &I know, not all guys will give in to their Girlf. even though they are not at fault.
On the day when I just broke up with A., D. called me just to check up on me just to make sure tt I'm all okayy. D. makes me laugh with his jokes even though we both know tt the jokes tt D. had came up with was superbly lame luhh.
Before we hung up, D. actually sang to me "never say never" by The Fray. It did surely made me cry, as he was actually reminding me of the past where we use-d to do things together.
I will always keep you in my heart, even though we're not meant to be together. I'm really pleased tt I got to know you. Even though we know each other only for how many months¬ years. I feel like we've known each other for years. Thanks for everything tt you've done for me. &also, thanks for changing me to atleast a better person than before.